Having been sitting on a few new songs for a while, I’m pleased to say that I’ve finally recorded them in a way that I’m happy with. The first song I’ve put online (which is in the ‘Listen’ section of this website) is called ‘The Kindness of Strangers’.
It’s written about the various hiking trips and adventures I’ve been on over the last several years and the wonderful people I’ve met along the way. I’ve been fortunate enough to trek/mountain climb in beautiful regions including New Zealand, Scotland and England’s Lake District. For me going off into wild areas like these, with only the strangers I meet as my companions, is an act of trust.

I’m grateful that this trust has been rewarded with some great friends – the sort of people that look out for one another. Perhaps being in potentially dangerous (albeit extremely beautiful) environments, brings out the best nature of many people. The quiet beauty of such regions also has a way of putting smiles on people’s faces!
Whatever the reason, these good people are the inspiration for ‘The Kindness of Strangers’. Look out for the next song coming very soon…